Education Work

Piano Teaching
I have a thriving private practice based in Edinburgh and my students range from 7-75 years old, from absolute beginners to adult amateurs and young professionals. Whilst acknowledging the importance of rigorous technique, my main aim is to encourage musical playing, understanding and enjoyment within an atmosphere of patience and humour. I have a highly successful record of student exam results but exams don’t suit everyone and I tailor lessons to the goals and needs of the individual. Former students have been awarded places at St Mary’s Music School, various UK universities and music scholarships at private schools, and a current student was awarded a prize for highest result in the UK for ABRSM Grade 6 piano.

Instrumental/ Vocal Coaching and Accompaniment
My great love is collaborative work and as such I have huge experience working with both professionals and student instrumentalists and singers. I am a coach in the Vocal Studies department of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, (formerly RSAMD), and also a Staff Accompanist at Oxenfoord International Summer School.

I am proud to be an examiner for ABRSM, (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), arguably the world’s leading deliverer of music assessment. I assess all 3 practical panels: Classical Grades, Jazz Grades and Diplomas, and have travelled worldwide in this capacity.

I have adjudicated competitions for the Rotary Club of GB, as well as several schools’ competitions including George Heriots School and Erskine Stewart’s Melville Schools in Edinburgh, and the High School of Glasgow.

I have given masterclasses and the universities of Edinburgh and Sheffield, and Edinburgh Napier. I have also helped deliver schools workshops for Edinburgh International Festival, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and McKenzie Sawers Duo.

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